#resplendent ephraim
gzeidraws · 2 years
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Resplendent Ephraim!
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godly-feh-edits · 2 years
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(Mod Toto) Continuing this apparent Xenoblade summer trend, made another small gift for a friend’s birthday!
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riceballoon · 1 year
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fairy ephraim. we were so robbed man
+misc ephraim eirika and figure skater lyon
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yeyayeya · 2 years
I really wanted Fairy Ephraim to match Eirika, but IntSys are cowards for not giving us that
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w0rld0flight · 6 months
So Brave Ephraim got his own Resplendent outfit, making him the 5th Brave Hero in FEH to get a Resplendent alt.
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Now, here's the thing: Ever since they gave the characters' Brave Heroes versions Resplendent alts, I noticed that they're doing it in order of when they were created.
What I mean by this is that the first four Brave Heroes that got Resplendent outfits were the very first Brave Heroes in the game. They're the very first Choose Your Legends winners from 2017, Lyn, Ike, Lucina, and Roy.
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This means that the next set of Brave Heroes that'll get their Resplendent outfits are the 2nd Choose Your Legends winners from 2018. Brave Ephraim will get his Resplendent alt soon, so the next ones will be Celica, Hector, and Veronica.
Veronica, however, will be an interesting case. That further begs the question: Will the original characters of Fire Emblem Heroes ever get their own Resplendent alts? 🤔
The thing about FEH's Resplendent alts is that they're all based on the different worlds of FEH.
For example, Marth's Resplendent outfit being Askr-themed, Ninian's Resplendent outfit being Nifl-themed, etc.
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But as you can see, none of the FEH OCs got their own Resplendent outfits. Why's that?
I'm curious on how FEH OCs would look like with Resplendent outfits. I'd love to see Veronica in a Ymir-themed outfit.
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feh-alt-battle · 2 months
Poll 123 - Ephraim
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Asatani Tomoyo, HASUMI KAORU, Asatani Tomoyo, Wada Sachiko, Nishiki Areku, Asatani Tomoyo, Yamada Kotaro, PenekoR, ayuko
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childofaura · 10 months
I don’t know if anyone talks about this particular artist but how do you feel about KAORU HASUMI?
Man I meant to get to this earlier, this has been a WEEK so far and it's only Tuesday.
Overall I like their art, though there's some complaints I have here and there with some of their individual pieces rather than overall art complaints. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
But positives first: I do like their use of color (Even Alear's janky color palette looks nice in their style), and I think they have a really nice sense of lighting in their pieces. And they draw their eyes very well:
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And Neimi looks like an absolute doll, which makes me happy:
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I'd say that they're kiiiiind of like a more skilled Amagaitaro, because they draw both men AND women. Maybe not a huge age range but I appreciate the range nonetheless.
Now, problems... Like I mentioned before, some of it is more on individual pieces, though I will say that the general issue I feel with their art is that the posework feels hit-or-miss. I feel like they're not completely utilizing hair and clothes to make up the motion like most artists usually do, and plus Alear and Lumera feel like they have the same general pose, which is facing back but moving foward:
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Now if that's supposed to be intentional (like mother like child), then I'll take it back. But it makes the whole gallery of their art feel a bit redundant.
And Ephraim's attack stance looks so... rooted.
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I've also mentioned it before in my review, but their design for Resplendent Ephraim wasn't a super great Jotunnheimr outfit.
And finally, their expressions are kind of lacking. I think they could push the expressions just a teensy bit more, at the least.
Overall though, they're not terrible. I'd put them at an 8/10, but I will say there's not a whole lot I can observe that really distinguishes their art from other artists. Like for instance, you can look at an eyestyle and say "Oh, that's Hagiya Kaoru", or look at a damage art expression and say "That's Argon for sure", or... look at a lack of nose and say "That's definitely PenekoR", lol.
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chynandri · 1 year
And you can give OG Chrom with resplendent the edgy Chrom's Sword. It will fit him better and he won't be edgy about it.
BTW, never saw your thoughts about Chrom's, Ephraim's, and Robin's resplendent before... or I can't remember, probably the latter. Care to share? and do you have them?
That’s true! I actually haven’t used rearmed heroes yet so I gotta look into it when I get new chrom (I WILL… THAT IS A PROMISE!!)
Oh I love Chrom’s resplendent it’s very cool and creative with the flame wing cape!!! One of the best resplendents ever (not biased at all 😇). Red and black look awesome on Chrom (so I’m already feeling better about the new fallen Chrom)
I think Robin’s is cool too he kind of looks like a ghost pokemon, altho his shredded coat looks like it’s been through a paper shredder 😂🤔
I only have resplendent Chrom and Eliwood!
About Ephraim… well I will be honest so it’s ur choice if u want to read or not 🫡
I remember being Really disappointed with resplendent Ephraim 🧍
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like… who even is that?? 🤨🤨🤨 why is his HAIR like that? Why is *gestures at it all* like THAT?
that’s not Ephraim. That’s just some guy. I know that’s a hilarious statement for me to make! cuz it’s not like his features are THAT unique to begin with. But come on!
He is my second favourite fe character but… 😂 I couldn’t love it. I was dismayed to be honest!!!! I waited so long for this and for what! My disappointment doesn’t come from whichever outfit concept they chose. It’s the execution, the way he was drawn. It’s not handsome, or beautiful, or creative. 🥲
I think I’m spoiled by how ephraim has had a consistent artist in feh, or drawn by Sachiko Wada herself. But even with yamada kotaro (whom I have a love hate relationship with) he managed to capture the Ephraimness of Ephraim. The problem with this resplendent - to me - is that it lacks Ephraimness 🥲
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HOWEVER!!! The chibi is adorable, somehow it’s better looking than the full art 😂😂😂😂😂 <- bitter crying laughing emojis
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cassianus · 1 year
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O Lord, powerfully do I magnify You, Who has looked upon my humble nature and not given me over to the hands of my adversaries, and delivered my soul from poverty.
But now, O Master, let Your hand protect me and let Your mercy be upon me, because my soul is disturbed and pains me greatly so that when it departs this wretched body the wily hand of the enemy will not find it, and hold it back in darkness on account of the sins I committed in this life, in knowledge and ignorance.
O Master of everything, be compassionate to me, so that my soul not see the vile gaze of the wily demons, but let it be received through Your spotless and resplendent angels.
Offer praise to Your holy name, and according to Your power lift me up to Your divine throne.
When I fall under judgment, let the hand of the prince of this world not grab me and pull me, a sinner, into the depths of Hell.
Instead defend me, and be my shield.
O Lord, be merciful to my soul, which has been polluted by the desires of this life, and if, as a man, I have, from the weakness of my nature, sinned in any way, if in word, deed or thought, You who has the authority to free men from their sins, forgive and liberate me so that I should receive Your cooling comfort and be found without stain or spot, and without blame, unstained before You.
And receive me by Your hand, O Master, because You are blessed unto the ages of ages.
St Ephraim the Syrian
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unmeiokaemasu · 1 year
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My 2023 hopefuls! Some are on here because I want specific unit types or resplendents for them, most are just “I’d like them in the game at all,” but if any version of a character makes it in I get to check it off my list. Also Lianna’s repping for all of FEW. Some unit details under the cut.
Soren - Now obvs I want him to win CYL and get a brave, and I’d be happy with pretty much any other alt for him, but when I tried to think what the unit I most want is (the spot previously held by Limstella), the answer was “Soren Ike duo.” Preferrably non-themed ala Ephraim and Lyon. I know Ike’s already been put in a duo with Mist and we’ve never seen a duo leader then go on to become a cheerleader in a different unit (edit: wait we absolutely have, Peony and Altina both have both lead and cheerleader duos/harmonics), but...well, that’s what I want.
Lianna - Again, if any character from FEW makes it I get to mark this spot, but also what’re the odds it would be, like, Darios and not the twins? And there’s no way it’d be just Rowan and not Lianna. That said, FEW characters weren’t even votable in any CYL before, so...
Lucius - Probably runner up for unit I want most after Soren is any alt or resplendent for Lucius that looks more like his artwork from the game. I just personally don’t like his art in feh, I don’t ever want to be down an artist and I’d never complain about feh art in a space I thought the artist could find out, but it is still something I think about.
Mark - I am just so tickled by the existence of the FE7 tactician; they’re such a non-presence in the story, but I found by the end it did bring me into the story more to have the characters all celebrating their victory with me. The pie in the sky dream is a nonbinary Mark.
Midir - Probably the unit with no rep that I want the most.
Sonia - Sonia’s kinda repping for all units that are characters that I like that I wish had better art. And I yes I do like her as a character, she’s objectively a terrible person but I find her story compelling
Stefan - honestly the last one to make it on here, coulda gone with other characters, but grats nonetheless.
Welp that’s the list, hope 2023 brings you all your most wanted unit! ⚪️⚪️⚪️✨
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ajentmm · 1 year
Guardians of Peace Refine Theorycraft
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I am in the mood to talk possible new tier 4 skills. Seeing as Dou! Ephraim's got his refine this month and I just did his OG banner at the same time as the announcement, I better get way ahead if I want to keep the banner themed blogs.
Uh, Guardians of Peace is the second Binding Blade banner in the year 2019. It has some decent units with good fodder. It also has another dagger dance in Larum. Being a dancer, we will be skipping her and talking the instant demote that came out that week.
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Chad: Lycian Wildcat
Base lvl 40 5 ☆ 45 30 37 26 23 Max Invest 54 39 46 34 29
Rogue Dagger+: (When upgraded) After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-6 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants Def/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn.
Draw Back - Escape Route 3 - Spd Smoke 3
What a Chad. This little dude suffered the same fate as Valbar (and Kronya apparently), by having lower BST than what the current Gen should be. He's BST is 161 versus Leila with 166. This is both too low, but not low enough to where a resplendent status would just jump him past new top. The way to fix this is give him more in combat stats in his weapon than usual.
Hermit Pick: After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-6 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target throughp their next actions, and grants Def/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. If an ally within 2 tile radius has [Bonuses] active or foe has [Penalties] active, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.
So this is just the Rouge Dagger. It also grant more stats essentially if he debuffed the foe or buffed his allies, two ways incase one gets canceled or another ally does the buffing/debuffing. Now, I can't just give him Matthew's Atk = foe's total penalties or Saizo's All stat bonus = foe's penalties. I think he could get something more defensive. He is a street urchin, he would rather not fight anyone, maybe just stop them from fighting him.
After combat, if unit attacked, grants unit and allies within 2 spaces Spd +6 for 1 turn, and inflict [Numbing] on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. [Numbing] If foe's Spd > unit's Spd, reduces unit's damage during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
So in my hypothetical world, everyone had the idea to give Chad Spd Smoke 4, which grants him more Spd and [Dodge]. Since this is the only way ranged units can get [Dodge] I could let him spread the bonuses to everyone. But then I thought, "What if his Dagger was the smoke bomb that stuns foes? What if the foe became blind and couldn't hit anything?" Well, that would be like a reverse Dodge, the foe needs to make a spd check, and if they don't, their damage is reduced. Instead of blinding, I imagine this being a paralysis dart that slows the muscles of the foe, making them easier to dodge. This can stack with [Dodge] and any other DR your allies have. Sure, Chad would be able to kill anyone, but neither would the enemy.
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Echidna: Unyielding Idealist
Base lvl 40 5 ☆ 45 34 36 30 27 Max Invest 54 43 45 38 33
Rearguard+: If foe initiates combat, grants Def+7 during combat.
Sol - Brazen Spd/Res 3 - Drive Atk 2
Enchilada is Fe6's pre-promoted hero and a solid one at that. Her whole shtick is the phrase, "It takes a village." She fights for a village. She wants to build a village. She eats and breaths 'village'. So, what better way to make a perf of her own than by giving it AR-D Spectrum?
Just kidding.
Heroine Axe: Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to allies within 2 tile radius of unit during combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally or structurers that a foe can destroy, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = number of allies or structurers that a foe can destroy with 2 tile radius x 2; Max 8) If X ≥ 3, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Alright so, this is . . . Joint Drive “Spectrum Form” but also, it counts structures as an ally to add to the form count. This is similar to Gatekeeper, except he has a much bigger ranged buffs and debuffs, and 1 structure maxes out the score. This makes an amazing buff bot for Aether Raid Defense, but it can also be used in Arena and story maps where there’s structures that both teams can destroy. The extra follow-up denial is there to make her more defensive against faster foes and the guaranteed follow-up users and it’s most usefully when none of your allies or structures are destroyed. One way to stop foes from doing that is with the premium skill Bulwark, and would you look at that special effect.
If unit's HP > 25%, foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit, and foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit. (Does not affect foes with Pass skills.) At the start of combat, if unit's HP > 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Oh yeah, Atk/Spd/Def Bulwark. Now I did put a 25% HP condition, just to make her not as effective someone with actual Bulwark (And so you have an excuse to inherit it anyway).
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Perceval: Knightly Ideal
Base lvl 40 5 ☆ 38 32 37 28 27 Max Invest 47 41 46 36 33
Prized Lance: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Luna - Atk/Def Solo 3 - Lull Spd/Def 3 - Rouse Def/Res 3
Percy is a pre-promote paladin, and unlike Echidna the Knucklehead, he is top tier, alongside Rutger and Melady. In heroes, he’s a Speedy Cav with mixed bulk, and has an AS perf. His perf also has a easy condition, triggering on full health foes. With the introduction of Winter! Bernie, we need to change that.
Prized Lance: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if it is unit's first combat in player phase or if foe’s HP > 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
I changed the condition to 75% but also added this for Percy’s first player phase encounter. On the first turn, if the foes are full health, it’s fine to attack all the foe’s when you have a dancer giving an extra turn. If it’s a later turn and all the remaining foes are low health, Percy get’s one encounter to finish one foe off, but then he loses the guard and stat bonuses. It’s not much benefit to the base effect, but it’s a bit more forgiving.
Enable [Canto (Rem.+1)] If unit initiates combat or unit is not adjacent to an ally, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit from making a follow-up attack, and grant Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack.
And the rest is just cavalry stuff. Canto was incredibly helpful in FE6, and he already had a great skill in Lull Spd/Def. He also gets offensive Null Follow-up like the Flow skills but you get it now when he is solo, and wow, he has Solo and Rouse. Then there is SpCharge, to make him a full Special Fighter cav like Eliwood Brave Roy for Galeforce use. Just remember that Guard is locked to the first ability. This is a prized weapon for a premium unit.
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Igrene: Nabata Protector
Base lvl 40 5 ☆ 42 37 37 26 24 Max Invest 51 46 46 34 30
Guardian's Bow: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd at start of combat or during combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat. (If unit and foe both have this weapon equipped, effect is calculated first for whoever initiates combat.)
Blazing Wind - Life and Death 4 - Special Spiral 3 - Pulse Smoke 3
Finally, it’s Igrene. Big booba blonde and pure offensive sniper. With Life and Death 4 and her weapon, her stat line is 58 Atk, 44 Spd, 21 Def and 19 Res. A really glass cannon. Her bow with AS also gives two checks of Spd, one using that 44 Spd and field bonuses, and the other using in-combat stats. A very convenient when you are using Life and Death and everyone else is using Atk/Spd Push or whatever.
Guardian's Bow: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd at start of combat or during combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat, and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and prevent unit from making a follow-up attack. *
What would be more convenient is if she got NFU. Not much to say here, move on to the unique refine.
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflict Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat, grant Special Cooldown+1 to unit per attacks and deal damage equal to 20% of unit's Spd on unit's follow-up attack.
So, it’s a Finish skill that grants another bunch of lowered stats on the foe, SpC, and True Damage equal to 20% of her Spd, but only on the follow-up attack. My logic being, if the foe has a pre-charged Aegis and Hardy Fighter, her damage wouldn’t get lowered, and with SpC, her Special will activate. Now since she isn’t getting any more Spd from her weapon, Life and Death is doing all the work. Thankfully, 44 Spd gets her 8 TD, and with max stats of 53, it’s 10. At 55, it’s 11. Now, the unfortunate thing is that you need to survive a counterattack, which she can avoid by inheriting Windsweep, or Desperation. Overall, her very glass cannon approach is still there and you will need to play around with it to make it work.
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orion-bnuuy · 2 years
Just for the laughs and the potential memes that could be made, I want IS to release a fairy resplendent Ephraim
They can only delay the inevitable for so long (unless they want fairy resplendent Lyon/Seth instead, in which case I’d take that as a win too)
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Good: Resplendent Eirika!
Questionable: in the fairy outfit.
Please be good.
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sorasaurus · 4 years
RESPLENDENT HECTOR IS NEXT?!?! Shiiiieeeett. That’s the only way I’ll get him.
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aviatrix88 · 3 years
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Drew a resplendent dokkalfir Ephraim, using blue irises as inspiration. (Posted both versions because I couldn’t decide which I liked more ;) Twitter
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH — Calendar for Nov/2021 is out + own thoughts and plans
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(Twitter thread)
The calendar for the month is finally out, and we can plan ahead for who/what I want to pull on, as well as look out for other potentially interesting events.
I'll dump my own plans and thoughts as per usual below the cut, feel free to read on.
I didn't include links and mentions from the leaks' contents, in case you're avoiding those.
From the looks of it, the dates are still the same for my timezone, but I've read that'll change starting next calendar for some months, due to the Daylight Savings.
Anyway, as it turns out, Ryoma was indeed our next Resplendent Hero, he looks good, but I care very little about him, so I didn't make the usual thought post — but Ryoma being the next Resplendent upgrade candidate means that the leak for the whole month is turning out to be true, it's still soon to say it's trustworthy, but I'm assuming it is to motivate myself to keep saving, as there wouldn't be anything of interest coming for the remainder of November.
The only banner I'm worried about is [Heroes with Bonfire], there are 14 sources in the regular pool but only 3 will comprise the banner itself, and among them is Idoun (best girl 💜🙏🏻), if she's there (extremely unlikely doubtfully but who knows), I'll try to aim for at least one merge, otherwise I'm hard skipping this month; I even had to pass up on the other 3 tempting red stones from the monthly refines banner, Summer Tana doesn't need merges right away and I think pulling on her home banner would be best.
There's also yet another {Double Special Heroes} banner coming... what's with I.S. breaking patterns? That should come out every 2 months. 🤨
Anyway, last time we got a rerun for an assortment of seasonals released this year, from the Valentine's banner to the Young Heroes one, the next banner... well, here are my guesses, just what remains of some of the thematics that appeared in the previous one:
→ Duo Young Eirika+Ephraim
→ Bridal Shanna
→ Bridal Juno
→ Young Lyon
→ Spring Inigo
→ Summer Caspar
→ Summer Duo Hilda+Marianne
→ Groom Saul
Hm... assuming I got it right, I'd pick colorless, but unlike last time, we'll need to wait two weeks for the banner reveal, maybe less if it's datamined and shared, but as I've expressed before, these banners are [Orb] scavengers, so I'll skip it in the end.
The New Heroes were also leaked, of which none are my interest (again, assuming the leaks are true).
So yeah, gonna save and see what's in store this month.
Just the usual without much of interest.
[Heroes Journey] (three days) and [Pawns of Loki] (two days) will run once like past months, [Røkkr Sieges] is also coming back and starting today, it's a fun game mode with rather acceptable reward value, but I don't have much motivation to aim for the top in my world, I'll just waste whatever [Stamina] and score as well as I can like usual.
We'll get [Limited Hero Battles] soon, perhaps I'll feel inspired to record a video of my own solution of an abyssal map unless it covers Three Houses units, of which I have very little and stand no chance.
Palla and Catria also get their [Bound Hero Battle], since it's the first run, I'm guessing their banner will have Est as the last unit? Minerva would fit too, but not as well. Either way, it reminded me Palla — best Whitewing! — is +9 among my projects, I'm looking forward to finish merging her.
No free unit will get a rerun after Veld until maybe later next month, but we'll get a few new maps and free units, the next New Heroes are also coming early next month, we can expect the next [Feh Channel] by then, to announce the theme for [Book VI], among the usual celebratory stuff and whatever, I'm quite thrilled to find out what's in store.
So... overall?
I think it's an average month without much of interest (not even the themed banners hold much of interest barring the [Bonfire] one), if you've seen the leaks, chances are you won't be as thrilled for which Heroes you'll see later on, and I can see that, specially since now it's gaining credibility so I don't feel the same thrill but I like planning ahead when given the resources... maybe the fodder will be interesting at least? Who knows, but I plan to skip all along.
Anyway, that's it for me, take care and thanks for reading!
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